Purchasing a condo development is a significant investment, and discovering hidden defects afterward can be frustrating and costly. Maryland state law provides protections and remedies for buyers who encounter undisclosed issues after the purchase of condo...
Real Estate Law
How do demographic changes shape foreclosure trends?
Demographic shifts play a significant role in shaping the real estate market. One notable change is the aging population, which influences various aspects of homeownership and foreclosure trends. Understanding these effects helps homeowners, lenders, and policymakers...
Understanding the limits of HOA rules on flags
Homeowners Associations play a significant role in maintaining the appearance and value of a community. While they have a prerogative to impose various mandates, including those relating to flags, there are limits on what they can enforce. Knowing these constraints...
Tips for preventing tenant-landlord disputes
Renting a home is a common and often necessary arrangement, but it can sometimes lead to disagreements between tenants and landlords. Both parties need to take proactive measures to ensure a smooth and conflict-free living experience. Clear communication from the...
Considerations for landlords in D.C. when increasing rent
Landlords in Washington, D.C., should approach the task of increasing rent with careful consideration and adherence to legal requirements. Doing this helps maintain a harmonious landlord-tenant relationship. Of course, it is possible that despite a landlord’s best...
What are ways to prevent a foreclosure?
Suffering financial problems might prevent you from making mortgage payments on time. However, while delinquent payments could lead to foreclosure, it is not inevitable that you will lose your property. Many lenders understand that unforeseen circumstances can disrupt...
Facts about condo defect disputes
Owning a condo is an excellent homeownership option because it gives you access to your private unit and various common areas along the property. However, it can also lead to some complex legal disputes. One area of dispute which has become common recently involves...
3 ways to solve a construction dispute
The construction continues to boom in Washington, D.C. Considering that the city’s population increased by 14.6% in the past decade, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, it means builders need to get the job done right and fast. When a dispute happens between a...
What to do if you have a dispute with your homeowner association
Peaceful residents often have to live by a set of neighborhood rules. Homeowner associations are in charge of enforcing these seemingly arbitrary edicts. The moment board members suspect you are responsible for a violation, a fine heads your way. You might take issue...
Why would someone want a partition lawsuit?
Anyone who shares ownership of a property may someday be subject to a partition action. A partition action occurs when two co-owners cannot agree on the future of their property. This type of lawsuit forces a property sale so owners can split the profits. Equal...